Leandra Müller
First skateboard: something I screwed together from friends
First time stoked about skateboarding: Probably the first time I could control the skateboard and it wasn't the other way around. What I know for sure though is my first Beast Feast. The skate level and the people there kept me stoked
First skateboard video: I can't remember that either, but the first video that had a wow effect was Gismo from Nike
Favourite trick: currently FS Smith
Favouritve skateboarder: difficult to define. Fabiana Delfino is definitely one of them
Favourite spot: Beast DIY Zurich
Worst trick: Any trick I wish I could do, but can't
Worst style on a skateboard: no judgement here. As long as the person skates I think it's great
Worst brand: I can't say, because I would have to identify myself with brands. I don't do that and I don't have a clue
Best thing about skateboarding: When the stoke lasts much longer than the session. Skating connects people, places, joy and passion. It is simply the Füdliblutt-madness
Best thing besides skateboarding: Building skateparks
Best thing about doodah: The joy they have in skateboarding and how they support and push the skate scene - thank you!
Photo Credits:
Cover: Heidi Fachtan
FS Smith: Simon Garcia
Bs 5-0: Tamara Knobel